Centre for Ecological Apiculture


No. 62 / No. 110 Training / Certification Courses in Organic / Ecological Top Bar Hive Beekeeping Deutsch 

Training in Organic / Ecological Beekeeping for Beginners and  Professionals



Prepare yourself for next beekeeping season: register for certification courses (No. 62) - Techniques on Advanced Top-Bar Beekeeping with Michael Thiele, build top bar hives, read literature recommended in distance course and fill in membership form. Natural beekeeping without cruelty to animals, without frames, artificial parts of the comb, smoke and expensive equipment. Become partner-apiary of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture!

Here you find everything you need as a beginner and as a professional: Courses, also distance courses, classes in natural top bar hive beekeeping, training to become a Partner-beekeeper, beekeeping supplies such as top bar hive, natural beeswarms and further beekeeping equipment.

More Infos: Centre for Ecological Apiculture, contact: e-mail

First lessons in organic / ecological topbar beekeeping. Register for distance course No 19!

No. 62 Training How to Become a Certified Partner-Apiary of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture - Ecological Top bar hive Beekeeping (Semester 2025 / 26)

Techniques on Advanced Top-Bar Beekeeping with DI. M. Thiele

How to become a partner-beekeeper of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture?

1. Find more information on ecological beekeeping in German and English language
2. Become a member in the Club of Ecological Beekeepers and ask for more info
4. Register for training No.62 ecological beekeeping

Duration: two semester (one Year).

Deadline for registration summersemester 2025 (first time registration): End of January
Begin: April
Deadline for registration wintersemester 2025/26 (first time registration): End of July
Beginn: October

Similar training or practical experiences in ecological top bar hive beekeeping, a long year membership and certificate courses are able to reduce training period.

During the first semester you'll have the opportunity to apply for first certificate and Proficiency certificate of Centre for Ecological Apiculture. During second semester certification of your apiary is going to be prepared and carried out. 

From Curriculum: 
Lessons on Location of bees colonies, 
suitable landscapes for organic / ecological beekeeping
on the character of bees, 
how to manage top bar hives, 
maintaining honeybees' health, 
preventive measures and disease control, varroaresitence
how to obtain a good practice in honey harvest, 
how to handle bees, 
how to find the right time to go to the bees, 
Lessons on processing, 
materials, filling, sieving, filtration, 
on how to storage honey, 
discussion of  our standards in beekeeping
considering the character of bees.

Part II: 
Lessons on what does the beekeeper need in the beginning? 
On equipment and tools;
on simple hives mainly used in the world, especially top bar hive;
how to produce comb honey, run honey, propolis, royal jelly, beesbread, beeswax according standards of Centre for Ecological Apiculture;
maintaining honeybees' health; 
disease control with organic acids 
On price calculation in this sector for high quality products

Part III: 
Lessons on beekeeping considering the character of bees; 
what happens in a beecolony? 
On drones, queens, workers, communication;
on population during the year, 
on temperature control and critical temperature for the honeybee; 
what do I need to know, if I want to work together with the bees in order to strengthen the colony? 
How can I work with the bees without doing an assault upon the colony? 
On comb spacing, combs, inspection of the hives, 
swarm prevention/management and control, 
making new colonies within swarming mood;
what are possible results of artificial queen rearing ("grafting")?
On telluric and extratelluric forces according M. Thun; 
important honey, pollen and propolis sources which are useful for ecological beekeeping and which are not? 
Types of bees suitable for organic / natural beekeeping in different zones of the earth.

Lessions on quality of beeproduce, 
contents of honey, residuals in beeproduce; 
on honeyfalsification;
historical aspects of honey adulteration;
legal honeyadulteration: ultrafiltration
(permitted since August 2003 in the EU);
more efficient methods of quality control; 
honey production in different countries; 
regulations and labelling; 
standards issued by Centre for Ecological Apiculture
and international certification system
How to get certified according standards of 
Centre for Social Medicine and Natural Bee Therapy / Natural Apitherapy Research Centre?
on contents of honey and residuals in beeproduce; 
on "organic" quality nowadays;
how to become a certified organic beekeeper;
more on the significance of the quality question.
On price calculation for honey comb, comb in the comb and "run-honey"

final examinations: Certificates I-III

Registration form for No. 62
Become a member in the Club of Ecological Beekeepers and ask for more info

No. 110 / 210 Training for Becoming an Expert of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture (Semester 2025 / 26)

How to become an expert of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture?

1. Find more information on ecological beekeeping in German and English language
2. Become a member in the Club of Ecological Beekeepers and ask for more info
3. Register for training No. 110 / 210

Duration: 4 semester (2 years).

Deadline for registration summersemester (first time registration): End of February
Begin: April
Deadline for registration wintersemester (first time registration): End of July
Beginn: October


  • Training Nr. 62
  • Training Nr. 62
  • B.Sc, M.Sc., Ph.D in apiculture, biology, ecology
Registration form
Become a member in the Club of Ecological Beekeepers and ask for more info

Centre for Ecological Apiculture
Natural Apitherapy Research Centre
Akademie der Kunst und Philosophie / Academy of Arts and Philosophy
DI. M. Thiele, President and international Coordinator
Wissenschaftsbriefe / Api Review Letters / Science Review Letters
Save the Bees, Bumblebees and Beecolonies
Zentrum fuer wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung
Beetherapy / Academy of Sciences

Copyright © 2002-2025 Centre for Ecological Apiculture
Last update :2025/03/03